
Şam Tatlısı

Şam tatlısı means "desert of Damascus". This is a desert known in all over Turkey with minor differences. This is a traditional Antakya recipe.

1/2 kg semolina
1 egg
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/2 kg sugar
1/2 cup chopped walnut
1 spoon full cinnamon
baking powder
1 lemon

1. Mix egg, yogurt and 1/2 cups of sugar in a bowl until sugar is desolved. I generally use a fork to mix, not a mixer. Because we don't want the dough to rise too much.
2. Add semolina, cinnamon, baking powder, vanilla and lemon peel to the mixture. The dough must be thicker than a usual cake dough.
3. Distribute half of the dough on round a baking pan.
4. Put walnut on dough and distribute remaining dough over walnut layer. Pay attention that total thickness of the dough must not be greater than 3 cm.
5. Bake it in an oven of 200 degree Celcius, for about 20 minutes, till both sides of the dough are roasted equally.
6. Meanwhile, put remaining sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan and boil the mixture for 5 minutes. When boils, add 1 drop of lemon juice into the sorbet.
7. When cake is roasted, take it out of the oven and let it cool down for 15 minutes. And then cut it into pieces in the pan.
8. Pour the sorbet on the cake and let the cake absorb the sugar in it.

good appetite!

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