
Humus (Hummus)

I'd like to start with my favorite starter, humus. I guess it's known somehow in the western world, however, as most of the things, not known in its original form.

Here is a real traditional recipe of this middle eastern starter.

1 cup boiled chickpea. It should be very well cooked, otherwise it cannot be smashed appropriately
1/2 cup sesame paste (tahini) (which we call 'tahin' here, smashed sesame seed with all its oil)
1 lemon
1 small piece of garlic
red pepper
2 spoons of olive oil
a few piece of pickes
a few parsley leaves

1. Put chickpeas, crushed sesame seed, garlic, lemon juice and salt into the blender and blend until you get a smooth mixture. If necessary add a few spoons of hot water.
2. Put the mixture onto a flat plate.
3. Put olive oil onto the mixture and decorate with pickels, parsley and red pepper.

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